Webinars and Roundtables


Soon a list of webinar will be produced and then recorded using the zoom platform. This list will be updated (please remain in touch). It is also planned to invite all authors that have strongly cited published papers (WoS) on soil micromorphology or soil morphology in the last 5 years. As soon as they will accept invitations, will shall update this list.


Here we report both new planned roundtables and old one already performed and recorded using the zoom platform.

This list will be updated (please remain in touch).

  1. The 1st roundtable was organised on: 30th May 2023: X-ray Imaging of the Soil Porous Architecture By IUSS Commission 1 (Sacha Mooney, Richard Heck, Stephan Peth).
    Recording is available at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/2aqzuVWN9T0dPYO3qeGb7dVd1xnUUvquO9GwU-ctXIg9UBEdu0ITZpqr1e0YZP0.KdqNgF7wxoGpiNkc?startTime=1685452368000
    Code: 984Z*inP

  2. It is also planned to invite to organise a roundtable to all authors that have strongly cited published papers (WoS) on soil micromorphology or soil morphology in the last 15 years. As soon as they will accept invitations, will shall update this list.


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